Comments on: Top 40 misleading, dangerous or just plain stupid claims made about ADHD The truth about ADHD and other mental health controversies from Australia Sun, 21 Aug 2016 00:12:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emily Sat, 18 Jun 2016 18:07:13 +0000 The sickest thing is that you think you’re actually helping children while actively harming them. You think therapeutic levels of stimulant abuse leads to drug addiction? Do you want to know what really fucking leads to drug addiction? Untreated ADHD. Do you know what it’s like to not have control over your own brain? How much hate and self loathing you develop because you know you’re deficient but don’t know why? What it’s like to repeatedly give absolutely all your possible mental exertion to a simple basic task and failing again and again and again? Would you like to hear all the self medicating I was forced to do just to fucking survive? Would you like to hear the story of my brother? He could easily have been one of your students, my parents took him off his ADHD treatment against the urgings of his psychiatrist and do you know what happened to him? Unable to cope with his untreated ADHD and ODD he turned to drugs and alcohol to self medicate and cope, when he was fucking 14. His mental health continued to decay, he became physically and emotionally abusive to me and the rest of our family and has attempted murder suicide multiple times, he has been institutionalyzed 3 times, jumped from diagnoses of bipolar, schizophrenia and psychopathy when all it was all along was just coping strategies for ADHD and ODD, unbelievable isn’t it? Except it’s not in the slightest, in fact it’s textbook untreated ADHD. You have no idea how absolutely devastating this condition can be untreated, and you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you’re actually helping children and it makes me sick to my absolute core, I wonder how many suicides, drug addictions, criminals and broken families your work has created? You are know better than an anti vaxxers who are directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds and soon to be thousands of children, and I hope one day that knowledge will haunt you for the rest of your life.

By: Kerrie Stewart Sun, 29 May 2016 02:41:49 +0000 Stimulants do not “speed” up the ADHD brain. Brainwaves in the front lobal area of a person with ADHD are actually slower causing poor working memory and inattentiveness. Stimulants speed up these brain waves to make them the same speed as a someone without ADHD.

By: matt Mon, 04 Apr 2016 08:51:48 +0000 This whole article is immediately discredited when the author presupposes that an academic must be biased and corrupt, just because they are paid by pharmaceutical companies (point 11). Some people have integrity no matter who they work for. Please present evidence before tarring researchers with your blatant bias.

By: Kerry Mon, 25 May 2015 03:41:48 +0000 Wow bill you sound quite ignorant just then, ADHD affects all realms of society, I am not from a low socio-economic area have NEVER smoked a cigarette in my life, my children have not been exposed to cigarette smoke and I am very careful about cleaning chemicals we use because of my kids have asthma. ADHD has been around for over a 100 years. I have a son that has just been diagnosed.

By: Kerry Mon, 25 May 2015 03:31:46 +0000 Thankyou Lisa, the first common sense response and information I have read on this site. I too believe like any medication it should be accompanied by regular review by professionals such as a paed or the local GP for any unwanted side effects. As well as the funding to access other therapies and services such as parenting classes for parents to understand ADHD better and work with their children to achieve better outcomes with them. Also therapy from psychologists and the like to help the child work through the struggles and overcome or learn coping strategies.

By: bill Fri, 10 Apr 2015 04:34:00 +0000 funny how most of these so-called ADHD sufferers are from the lower socio-economic regions, with their fast food/ cigarette, toxic houshold chemical i’m not saying there is a link, but when a fifty year old feels better than when he was 16, something is very wrong 🙁

By: rachel Mon, 23 Feb 2015 03:24:20 +0000 I have decided after a little more research that there are indeed other methods I have not tried, I don’t like giving my son drugs so I am going to try a few untried methods first. for me personally as a mum I feel drugs should be the last port of call, that is not to say it is wrong for those who suffer to have medication, it’s just my personal choice. Years ago there was barely any mention of ADD, ADHD, ODD, SPD and all these other disorders that seem to be as common now days as sliced bread. Have we just become a society of convenience? If you have a disorder just pop a pill, if you are hungry just grab some maccas? Just drive to the corner deli because it’s easier than walking? I think food has a major play in these disorders. We have genetically modified and over processed, majorly flavoured and preservative soaked food. Surely that makes a hell of a difference to how your brain and body works?

you may also find this interesting reading, there is a documentary on youtube somewhere about this dr. which I found, unbelievable it certainly changed my mind about drugs. Behavioural therapy is what I will choose for my son for now.

By: rachel Mon, 23 Feb 2015 02:39:04 +0000 I am quite perplexed. If it is such a “real disease” then why does the Australian Government refuse to acknowledge this. My 10 year old son is suffering greatly because I cannot afford to access the help he so desperately needs. If my son was diagnosed with Autism or Aspbergers then he would have access to more services, not to mention a teachers aid in class. I cannot even get CAMHS (children and adolencent mental health services) to help because I do not meet their criteria. Why? Because I need immediate help they said and their wait list is 2 months long. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!!! I was given a relationships course to attend with my ex, honestly this was like a slap in my face, it didn’t even make sense, any of it! Ask for help for my PROFESSIONALLY DIAGNOSED son and I get an anglicare pamphlet thrown at me. So much for public services.
It sickens me, the government won’t even allow me carers allowance to look after my boy, who as a result of his severe ADHD and ODD has been suspended countless times from school, resulting in me losing my job because I have to constantly collect him. I tried the Ritalin LA as a final solution after years of trialing everything else, psychotherapy, diet, councilling. The Ritalin made my son psychotic after 14 months of being on it. Then the pede wanted to put him on anti psychotic medication. It made me lose any respect for this paedtrician, it felt like ” oh sorry i don’t really know what I am doing or how to help your son but if he is acting psycho lets just try this drug” The side effects of these drugs are real, they do affect your body. But like anything it affects individuals differently. To say these types of drugs are non addictive is crazy, of course they are addictive. You are placing chemicals into your body every day, if you suddenly take these chemicals away I strongly believe your body will react to this loss. It took 6 weeks to get my son’s behaviour under some sort of control AFTER I weaned him off of the Ritalin. I am glad I read this blog, I was looking for specialists I could perhaps go and see. My son’s behaviour has worsened and due to complete exhaustion and emotional duress I felt I may try medication again. i will be cautious now, and ensure i cover all my concerns before i just take the word of these doctors. Hope I can find the right specialist to assist. Not just one who is under the pharmaceutical payroll. Thankyou for all your comments, it has made for some very interesting reading.

By: Cara Nella Sat, 07 Feb 2015 02:42:32 +0000 To point 3 – My father was a truckie way back when and although it was before my time I heard about how these drugs adversely affected him during and after his time as a driver. My father was of course more alert and thus met his deadlines but he suffered for it. Totally ignorant point made by Michelle Toner!

By: madethatway Fri, 30 Jan 2015 06:35:13 +0000 It’s incredible, isn’t it?

And quacks wonder why we refer to them as ‘quacks’ and bemoan the fact that they command absolutely no respect anymore.

Wasn’t all that long ago they were promoting smoking for weight loss. Now it’s speed for active kids with the claim that it enhances brain growth….?

I call bs on that.

Mustn’t let kids be kids, must we?

Musn’t look at the nutritional side of the equation, must we?

No, we must go the route that makes the most money for the idiots calling themselves ‘doctor’ and their puppet master, big pharma.

Oh and please don’t call them out on their ignorance and stupidity because they’ll cry foul, accuse you of defamation and run for their lawyer to see how much money they can get in a lawsuit.

Really, let’s call a spade a spade instead of ‘an implement utilized in the upturning of terra firma’: If any of them had half a brain, it’d be lonely.
